Mike’s FTL stuff > Ships guide > Mantis A
The Gila Monster
Rush shields, then look for offence. Weapons-2 is 40 scrap; buying this lets you use the Small Bomb and Basic Laser together, and also gives you a damage buffer for the Small Bomb. This is a good early upgrade, but don’t let it prevent you buying a weapon or hacking. Hacking is especially good, as it improves your boarding control and weapons hacks buy you time.
Mantis Pheromones is somewhat useful, but also fine to sell. Small Bomb is a great boarding support weapon, and can also disable enemy weapons. Use it liberally in sector 1 to reduce risk.
Indeed, the Small Bomb is so good that it poses a tricky question: when do you swap it out? With three weapons slots, it can be tricky to judge when to transition into a guns-based setup. Often you’ll want to stay with the Small Bomb until you’re ready to swap out wholesale for good endgame weapons. Even then, you might want to keep it around for phase 1 of the Flagship.
Mind control can be a strong purchase on a two-tile boarding ship, especially early, as it enables the same early-game tactics as Lanius B. Typically though, you’d rather buy hacking and then cloaking.
When completely safe, destroy systems for surrender offers (as low as 1 hull). Boarding with three crew can often disable clone/medbays without spending missiles.
Start two Mantis in the teleporter. I like the third Mantis on piloting, as that’s closer to the teleporter and makes the Engi more mobile. Start your fourth crew on weapons, then run to engines as needed.
Consider upgrading teleporter somewhat early, which lets you board automated ships, and also lets you flood the enemy ship with more boarders. Also consider avoiding nebula beacons early on, especially if you are low on missiles.
Weapons and shields are awkward to vent. Consider pre-venting them, then letting oxygen refill a bit.
Sector 1 distress beacons are worth visting. You have blue options from the Engi (good) and teleporter (okay).
Hover or tap systems to see hack points