Mike’s FTL stuff > Ships guide > Slug A
Man of War
Typically rush shields, then look for a weapon. Rushing shields gives more opportunities for safe crew kills and reduces your need to use bombs for safety. However, you have a weapons buffer for the lasers and bomb, and you also have a lot to sell. Sometimes it might be better to delay shield upgrades slightly and save for a store.
I mostly plan around selling the augment and if needed the beam, giving 55 scrap. You can sell the bomb too, giving 80 scrap; that’s a good trade for a stronger weapon, but questionable if buying hacking.
Start fights with Dual Lasers and Breach Bomb powered, then switch to Anti-bio Beam when enemies are not a threat. Use the bomb against threatening weapons. The Breach Bomb can be an effective crew-killing weapon too; it does 30 crew damage. Breaches attract a second crew once repaired, giving a chance to double the damage from a laser or bomb. Sometimes you can use the Breach Bomb for early skill-farming against automated ships (permanently disabling a weapon).
When the enemy ship is “calm”, hurt crew immediately run to the medbay, making Anti-bio swipes ineffective. Otherwise they run at 25% health: this applies when there is any system damage, fires, or breaches (or boarders).
Dual Lasers are fantastic on a 4-slot ship; almost always keep them. Anti-bio Beam is good for crew-kills early on, but falls off later; don’t be afraid to sell it in exchange for something more straightforward. Breach Bomb remains useful the whole game, but you may find something more potent instead.
Start your second Slug on weapons, then move to engines as needed. Venting the front of the ship is awkward, so consider pre-venting and letting oxygen refill a bit.
You have three empty system slots to fill, so try to buy your first system a little earlier than usual. Defence drones cover this ship well, as all rooms are outside the blind spot.
Sector 1 distress beacons are probably worth visiting. You have blue options from the Anti-bio Beam (good) and the Slug (weak).